Its a hard question. And can have so many answers. Working with the myriad of women we see at Next Step Pregnancy Services that question comes up on an almost daily basis. In talking with other pregnancy resource clinics and centers we were told that there is a certain criteria. However, I’ll be honest, I’m not so sure using this criteria is the most effective way to meet our clients.
Let me explain. Here are some of those bullet points;
- Still in school (H.S./college/grad)
- Between 17 and 26 years old
- Father of baby in favor of abortion
- Parents in favor of abortion
- History of abortion
- Financial pressure
- Single
When I first realized I was pregnant with my first child, a daughter, I met 5 of the 7 criteria listed above. Through God’s grace my parents were prolife not just in words but in actions as well, even when it was this close to home. But I was young, still in school, the father was, let’s just say indifferent, I had little to no money, and was in all senses of the word – single.
So was I abortion vulnerable? According to Merriam-Webster the word vulnerable means;1: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2: open to attack or damage.
In one sense I was, but not solely because of any of those listed bullet points. Those were and are a factor for many, many of our clients. That is a fact.
But for me, I was now not only a vessel for the life growing within me and her sole protector and source of growth and prosperity, but I had become a co-creator with God to give life.
Something that opened me, as well as my child, up to attack. So yes, I was vulnerable. I had the choice to leave myself potentially open to being wounded and, despite family, alone or I could choose to abort and start again. I chose life. And there is not a day that goes by I do not think of my beautiful daughter, Maria, and the path her birth put me on.
So when we say abortion vulnerable woman – it can mean many many things. And we need to be open and willing to hear those reasons, those barriers, those uncertainties. And be there for that woman come what may.
If anything I have said has resonated with you and you want to help Next Step continue to thrive then I ask you to please consider supporting our mission. In whatever way you are able.
And I encourage you to join us this year for our annual Gala – our one large fundraiser – to keep Next Step a place vulnerable women can come to in their time of need.
This week is the last chance to purchase tickets to this event.
Dinner, drinks, a silent auction, our famous dessert auction, the world premier of the first Next Step Pregnancy Services video, and a moving and transformative talk by our guest speaker Dr. William Lile, the Prolife Doc. Someone who has seen firsthand the humanity within the womb.
Please register here for our event https://nssupport.org/gala2024/
Saturday September 14th, at Holy Rosary in Edmonds.
Doors open at 5:30p – tickets on sale until 9/6